Joy Thief

"Comparison is the thief of joy"

Theodore Roosevelt said that, so I read. Although that's not how I came across it. I can't across it in the context of trying to get fitter. I saw it on some Facebook group and it resonated with me. I may have written about it before, I can't recall. I have definitely thought about it a lot. I think about it everytime I plof along on my barely faster than a walk jog as I get overtaken repeatedly.

I've always thought of it from the point of view of being the lesser part of the comparison. (I'm showing my tendency for insecurity and self deprication now). But over the last few days I've started thinking about the other side of it too.

I've seen a lot of ra ra pharmacy stuff all over twitter this past month. Maybe it's always like that, I don't know. Someone being applauded for saying how they hate being called an allied health professional. Another commenting on how no other health professionals have our scientific training. This sort of rhetoric is deeply entrenched. It's the basis of the evidence regarding medication reconciliation afterall.

The trouble I have with this sort of comparison based value acclaims is that they place the comparator in a diminished position. It implies that allied health are inferior to pharmacy (exactly how is an OT who optimises someone's function possibly inferior, I don't know). That scientific understanding is of greater value than 'softer' skills. That pharmacists are better than doctors.

Now that may not be the intent, but that's one of the ways it can be interpreted. And I just don't think that's the best tactic.

When we define ourselves by comparison to others we don't demonstrate confidence, we show our insecurities. Far better I think to define ourselves by what we stand for. Our values and our principles. They stand true regardless of the context or political climate. They demonstrate confidence. And self-confidence begets confidence placed in you by others, begets greatet contribution of value.